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Edward S.G. Dennis

Edward S.G. Dennis, Acting Deputy Attorney General, Department of Justice, Testimony before the Senate Energy Committee, July 11, 1989, p. 18.   So long as Puerto Rico remains under the sovereignty of the United States, it is essential that this fact be made clear beyond peradventure.  Any statements that the island is autonomous . . . must make clear that this autonomy is limited to internal affairs, and that as a commonwealth Puerto Rico remains under the sovereignty of the United States.  Congress retains the authority to legislate with respect to Puerto Rico, and federal law may not be preempted or nullified by the local government.

We think that this is absolutely essential, again, getting back to the point that the choices to be made by the Puerto Rican voters in this referendum should be clear choices and they should be choices that are accurately represented and should not represent either unrealistic options which cannot or will not be made actually available should that choice be voted.

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