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How Do U.S. Textbooks Portray Puerto Rico?

In 1983, the Coalition for Human and Civil Right Advocates studied the portrayal of Puerto Rico in U.S. textbooks and found that:

The authors of these textbooks, both old and new, appear to have read exactly the same sources and books. Their accounts, offering minimal and generally misleading information, are virtually identical in every case.

And in every case, their presentation of the facts came from an Anglo perspective that reduces Puerto Rican history to little more than a footnote in the “pageant” of U.S. history. Given the complete absence of the Puerto Rican perspective and the failure to include new scholarship from Puerto Rican historians, and we have excellent historians, the information presented in even the newest textbooks remains one-dimensional and insufficient.Read More »How Do U.S. Textbooks Portray Puerto Rico?

CRS Report Prepares Congress for Plebiscite

The Congressional Research Service (CRS) has released a new report about the upcoming plebiscite vote in preparation for questions Members of Congress are likely to have as Election Day draws near.  The CRS is the research arm of Congress, and the release of this particular report indicates that plebiscite results will be considered by Members of Congress and their staffs in the weeks and months ahead.Read More »CRS Report Prepares Congress for Plebiscite